Development Programmes including Gateway


The Development Programmes Faculty provides students the opportunities to take vocational subjects at school and participate in vocational education and training at various Auckland tertiary providers as well as in the workplace.


What is Vocational Education and Training?

Vocational education and training is education/training that prepares people to work in a trade, in a craft, as a technician, or in support roles in professions such as engineering, health and computing. Vocational learning experiences are usually based on manual or practical activities and are traditionally non-academic but related to a specific trade or occupation.  Associated qualifications are traditionally at certificate and diploma levels.


Why choose Vocational Programmes?

Students choosing vocational (unit standard assessed) subjects and undertaking vocational training whilst at school will...      

  • earn credits towards their NCEA qualification
  • earn credits towards National Certificates e.g. apprenticeship training qualifications
  • enhance their entry into tertiary courses/programmes on leaving school
  • develop practical skills and undertake real workplace experiences.


Development Programmes Faculty Courses

Please click here to view information on the courses offered by the Development Programmes Faculty.


Gateway Work Experience Programme

Quote from a Gateway student: “most of us are afraid of getting our first job or deciding what we want to do in the future. Parents and teachers are always talking about our future when we haven’t had a second thought about it. Gateway helps kids to realise what’s out there and what us, as the next generation can achieve. Go for it!” 

Gateway is a programme funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) which enables a limited number of senior secondary school students to experience real workplaces. Through the programme students spend time in workplaces with local employers (usually one day a week) enabling them to learn about the industry which they are interested in as a career. There is no cost to employers or students.


How does Gateway work? 

The programme is designed for students who have shown a particular interest in an industry and is targeted primarily to students who are less likely to go to university. The Gateway Co-ordinator, in consultation with Deans and teachers, will identify students who could benefit from the programme. The students are required to apply with a CV and cover letter, which will be followed up with an interview with the Gateway Co-ordinator.

The co-ordinator works with local employers to place students in a workplace during the school week and/or holidays. By participating in Gateway, students are expected to achieve a minimum of 20 unit standard credits towards their NCEA qualification. These credits are in addition to those gained in their school subjects.

For employers, their involvement in the programme is an opportunity to bring an extra pair of hands into the workplace, to show case an industry and workplace, to give something back to local communities and to access potential employees.

The Development Programmes Faculty has established partnerships with several tertiary education providers, allowing our senior students to undertake vocational education and training ‘short’ courses at their campuses.

These tertiary short courses aim…

  • to build the skills and core capabilities of the student
  • to engage the student by highlighting the relevance of learning to future employment or study
  • to support a student’s exploration of pathways to work or further education
  • to expose students to the learning environments of tertiary education providers.

Furthermore, students have the opportunity to earn industry-related credits towards their NCEA qualification. These tertiary courses are fully-funded by the college.  

Examples of vocational education and training courses that our students have attended; automotive engineering, motor body trades, beauty servies, baking and pastry, hospitality barista skills, computer hardware, computer networking, outdoor first aid, Coastguard 'Day Skipper', audio/sound engineering.  

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