The Board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school. The Board is the employer of all staff in the school, is responsible for setting the school's strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students, and ensuring that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students. The Board is also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.
The structure of the Glendowie College Board is as follows:
The Board normally meet eight times per year, and also operate a 'Finance and Property' sub-committee. Parents and other members of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend the Board meetings as observers.
Further information on the role of the Board can be found here:
Glendowie College's Board Election Information leaflet may be downloaded here.
Click here to contact the Board via email.
February Meeting : Wednesday 19 February 2025
Dear Glendowie College community,
Hello and welcome to all our new families and students of 2025. The college is off to a great start and the Board met for the first time on 19 February. At this meeting, we appointed our new Board Officers. I am pleased to announce that Bain Hollister is our Deputy Presiding Member, and I have retained the position of Presiding Member for 2025. During the meeting, we were serenaded by the Music Department's Information Evening, so I hope those interested went along.
We look forward to hearing from our 2025 Head Prefects at our next meeting in March and other department presentations throughout the year.
GDC has hit the ground running, with the Musical Production camp, Kapa Haka weekend wananga, Year 9 Parents' Information Evening, Athletics Day and the Year 9 camps. There are so many ways for our students to immerse themselves in college life.
At our meeting, we fully approved the China and Japan trips which are happening during the April school holidays, I am so excited for the students who are travelling and thank the teachers for their planning and preparation to make these opportunities possible for our students. I look forward to seeing the photos and hearing how they both went.
We were also very impressed with 2024 NCEA results. Our students (and teachers) work so hard and as a result are gaining great results, which open up the opportunites available to them in life.
Tomorrow is the Parents' Association's first event for 2025. The Car Boot Sale, I look forward to picking up some bargains and catching up with people. Remember the Parents' Association is always looking out for more parents to join their efforts.
My final message is concerning donations. We appreciate that there are many costs at the start of the year, so that's why we try to make it easy to pay throughout the year. If you are able to pay before 31 March 2025, you will received the discount, or you could drip feed throughout the year, we appreciate your attention to this. Remember you can claim any donation back from IRD, through their tax credit claim form.
Ngā mihi nui,
Belinda SutherlandPresiding Member