Glendowie College Sports Programme


“Glendowie College will provide the sporting opportunities, quality service and facilities/equipment that promote student participation in organised sport.” GDC Sports Mission Statement

Glendowie College’s co-curricular sports programme will offer as wide a range of sporting opportunities to students as feasible and the college will encourage personal excellence in all co-curricular sporting and physical activities.  All students will be encouraged to be involved in co-curricular sport throughout their time at Glendowie College.


Information for Parents

The college cannot absorb the full costs of the sports programme.  It is necessary to charge a fee to each sport for each participating student.

In general, sports fees cover the:

  1. Cost of central venue hire for inter-collegiate sport
  2. Purchase of sports equipment
  3. Entry into the regional competition with other schools and payment of affiliation fees to organisations,
  4. Expenses such as referee costs and some team travel costs.

Click here to download the 2025 sports fees and details of trainings/game days and sports uniforms.

Our Sports Strategic Plan and Procedures provide the direction and guidelines for the implementation and on-going development of a quality co-curricular sports programme.

We are looking forward to a busy and successful year of sport and would welcome parental involvement in the form of coaching / managing teams, helping with transport or just cheering on the side-lines.


For further information please contact:

Director of Sport
Mr Scott Palmer
Mob: 021 476 142
School Line: 5759128 ext 176


Sports Co-ordinator
Miss Lydia Staples
Mob: 021 329 964
Tel: 575 9128 ext 161


Sports Co-ordinator
Mr Matthew Clark
Mob: 021 0286 3341
Tel: 575 9128 ext 161


Instagram Page:  gdcsport
Facebook:  Glendowie College Sport


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