
Students at Glendowie College will be provided careers information and guidance in making vocational/educational decisions. The Careers Advisor (Mr D James) will provide students a range of programmes and experiences which will encourage them to make informed choices about their future education, training and career pathways within or outside the college. Careers education is offered at all levels of the school curriculum.

The Careers Department arranges tertiary liaison information visits from or to polytechnics and universities, as well as the Annual Careers Expo held in the second term.

The Careers Centre has up-to-date information on courses and qualifications for all New Zealand tertiary providers. The Careers Department also provides support to students on course enrolments, applications to halls of residence and tertiary scholarships.

Mr D James is available, by appointment, for careers information, guidance and advice for all students (and parents) at the college.  He is also available to assist students in subject selection for the next school year.

For information regarding Vocational Training courses including Gateway please contact the Gateway Co-ordinator (Mrs V Sullivan).


To contact the Careers Office

School Line:  5759128 ext 112


To contact the Gateway Co-ordinator

School Line:  5759128 ext 167


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