Bus Information


Many Glendowie College students travel to and from school by bus.  As well as public buses that go past the college, the school also operates its own bus routes for students.

AT HOP is a reusable prepay smart card for travel on trains, ferries and buses around Auckland.  Paying for your child's school travel with an AT HOP card is cheaper than paying with cash.  Parents can save even further by loading the correct concession on their child's AT HOP card.  School students are eligible for discounted fares and these are at least 40% cheaper than adult AT HOP fares. Cards must be registered to a child, and students 16 - 19 years must also have a secondary student concession loaded on their AT HOP card for the discount/concession to apply, otherwise, their AT HOP card defaults to the more expensive adult fares.

Getting a secondary student discount for public transport has never been easier


Secondary school students, aged 16 to 19, can now jump online and activate their student discount using their National Student Number (NSN). And with a student discount organised, they’ll be able to travel and get 40% or more off full price bus, ferry and train fares.

Here is the link for where to find out more about this process, and to update your concession:
Click for more information

Terms of use for the AT HOP cards are available at https://at.govt.nz/about-us/about-this-site/terms-conditions/at-hop-card-terms-of-use/

To visit the AT HOP website please click here

AT Update (17 January 2025)

Bus, train and ferry fares are changing from Sunday 2 February.

Auckland Transport are making changes to public transport fares, fare zones and discounts.

Here’s what’s changing: 

New prices for your travel

Each year, fares are reviewed to keep up with the costs of running, maintaining and investing in Auckland’s public transport network. Starting 2 February, we'll need to increase fares by an average of 5.2% p.a. Adult HOP fares, using an AT HOP card or contactless payments, will increase between 15 and 25 cents per journey on buses, trains and between 20 cents and $1.40 per journey on ferries.

AT HOP 7-day fare cap will remain unchanged

The AT HOP 7-day fare cap will remain at $50 for AT HOP card users. Enjoy unlimited travel on AT buses, trains and inner-harbour ferries using your AT HOP card and pay no more than $50 over a 7-day period. 

Fare zones will be simpler and easier to understand

We are simplifying the number of bus and train zones with the following areas merged into single zones:

  • East Coast/South Rodney, consisting of Helensville, Huapai, Hibiscus Coast and Upper North Shore.
  • Northern Manukau, consisting of Manukau North and Beachlands.
  • Southern Manukau, consisting of Manukau South and Franklin.

If you travel within these newly merged zones you will only be charged a single zone fare, rather than two or more. For example if travelling from Hibiscus Coast to Albany or from Beachlands to Botany the fare will be $2.80, saving $1.85 per journey.

Ferries will have their own fare zones which will reflect the difference in operating costs between the ferry network and the bus and train network.

Longer bus and train trips will be better value

A maximum of four fare zones will be charged for bus and train journeys, even if you travel further than four zones. This makes public transport a more affordable option for those longer trips across Tāmaki Makaurau. 

Off-peak discount will be discontinued

We introduced the 10% off-peak discount as an incentive to help manage capacity at peak times, but it has not had the impact we’d hoped for. As a result, we’ve decided to remove this discount in favour of other fare improvements.

Discounted fares are still available for children, students, seniors, Community Connect and disability cardholders with registered AT HOP cards.


Schoolbus (AT) Update (4 March 2025)

As you’re settling into the school year, we wanted to re-emphasise how important it is that students are tagging on and off with their AT HOP card each time they travel on the bus.

We’re regularly seeing a significant difference between how many students are on a school bus versus how many of them have actually tagged on. This mismatch means our teams receive inaccurate passenger data, making it harder to assess and respond to the needs of your school.

Forgetting to tag on is often an unintentional mistake. Students might have run out of credit on their AT HOP card, forgotten to bring it to school that day, or maybe they misplaced it for the fifth time in a few weeks and are avoiding telling their parents the bad news! A reminder is sometimes all that’s needed to change this behaviour.

Please remind your children to always tag on and off the school bus with their AT HOP card. This means Auckland Transport can accurately track the numbers of students on buses and adjust services where necessary. Another tip is to enable the auto top-up feature on your child’s AT HOP card. This means the balance will automatically top up once it falls below the figure you set.

In addition to this issue, we are also aware that some students are using bus stops as a place to socialise, hanging around while multiple services they could choose to catch pass by. Students leaving it until the last minute are often finding that they then can’t even fit on their chosen bus as it is at capacity. This bus stop crowding is also creating a safety issue, sometimes preventing other passengers from catching their service. Students should get on the first available bus to avoid these problems.


Click on the tabs below to get information about available buses: 

School Buses

Below are the times are routes of school buses available for students to catch to and from school.

Morning Buses

  • Route 417            (departs at 7.50am)
    Starts at Ellerslie shops, Ladies Mile, Abbotts Way, Grand Drive, Norman Lesser Drive, Panapa Drive, Norman Lesser Drive, College Road, St Johns Road, St Heliers Bay Road, West Tamaki Rd, Crossfield Road, Glendowie College.
  • Route 418            (departs at 7.30am from Potters Park, Balmoral Rd)
    Balmoral Rd, Green Lane East, Green Lane West, Remuera Rd, St Johns Rd, St Heliers Bay Rd, West Tamaki Road, Crossfield Road, Glendowie College.
  • Route 419           (departs at 7.55am)
    Starts at Newmarket 16 Remuera Rd, Remuera Rd, St Johns Rd, St Heliers Bay Rd, West Tamaki Road, Crossfield Road, Glendowie College.


Afternoon Buses

  • Route 417            (departs at 3.40pm from Glendowie College)
    Travels the reverse route to the morning
  • Route 418            (departs at 3.20pm and 3.21pm from Glendowie College)
    Travels the reverse route to the morning
  • Route 419           (departs at 3.25pm from Glendowie College)
    Travels the reverse route to the morning


Public Buses

The following public buses pass very close to Glendowie College.  Please check with Auckland Transport for updated routes and times.

Morning Buses

  • TMK                       (depart City at 7.23am, 7.38am and 7.53am)
    Tamaki Drive, St Heliers shops, St Heliers Rd to St Heliers school. Can change to 744 at St Heliers to go to Crossfield Rd, arriving at 8.05am, 8.20am and 8.29am
  • 744                         (depart Panmure 7.48am and 8.18am)
    Panmure, Pilkington Rd, Glen Innes, Line Rd, Mt Taylor Drive, arriving 8.20am and 8.40am
  • 76                          (departs City Terminal at 7.42am)
    Tamaki Drive, Kepa Rd, Kohimarama Rd, St Heliers Bay Rd, West Tamaki Rd to Sacred Heart College arriving at 8.27am.


Afternoon Buses

  • TMK                       (departs at 3.37pm, 4.07pm and 4.37pm)
    St Heliers Rd at St Heliers school, St Heliers shops, Tamaki Drive, City
  • 744                         (departs Crossfield Rd at 3.24pm, 3.54pm and 4.24pm for Otahuhu and Panmure)
    Crossfield Road, Glen Innes, Pilkington Road, Panmure, Otahuhu
  • 744                         (departs Crossfield Rd (see above))
    To Glen Innes then train either south (Panmure, Sylvia Park, Otahuhu) or into the city (Meadowbank, Britomart)
  • 76                          (departs West Tamaki Rd at Sacred Heart College at 3.54pm and 4.24pm)
    To City via West Tamaki Rd, Kohimarama Rd, Kepa Rd and Tamaki Drive


Please visit the following link for detailed online information including timetables, individual route maps and bus stop information:  https://at.govt.nz/newnetworkcentral 



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