Parent/Student/Teacher Conferencing

Mon, 20 May 2019

schedule 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Bookings for Parent/Subject Teacher/Student Interviews will open at 9.00am on Monday, 13 May.

These interviews are with the subject teachers.  Discussions will include progress in assessments to date, progress towards NCEA, and discussion of the term 1 key competencies report.  For Year 9 students, it could also include discussion of the interim MYP report.

Report evenings for Parents/Guardians and students will be held in a number of classrooms centred around the Library.  We strongly recommend that students also attend the conference, as it is about them and their learning.

Interview times are 5 minutes to enable parents to meet more of their child(ren)'s teachers.  Should more time be required in special cases, a separate meeting or phone conversation can be organised between staff and parents.

To book Parent/Subject Teacher/Student interview appointments:

  1. Go to (after 9.00am on Monday, 13 May)
  2. Input the schools unique code t45yt on the Home Page.
  3. You can make appointments with up to 7 subject teachers. The Deans, Guidance Counsellors and Careers team are also available for interviews.

Please note:

  • School will finish at 1.40pm on Monday, 20 May and 1.40pm on Monday, 27 May. Auckland Transport no longer change times of school runs, students who normally catch a bus will either have to use public buses or wait for the school buses at the normal times.
  • There will be a few computers made available to students at school who might not have internet access at home. They can use them to make appointments.
  • When making appointments it is advisable to have at a gap between appointments to facilitate the movement between rooms.
  • The bookings website will close at 9.00am on Monday, 20 May for Monday's interviews. They will re-open at 9.00am on Tuesday, 21 May to enable further bookings for the Monday, 27 May interviews and close again at 9.00am on Monday, 27 May.


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