Tangaroa House Charity

Tue, 06 Jun 2023 — Fri, 23 Jun 2023

This year, Tangaroa is excited to announce the collaboration with ‘Give A Kid A Blanket’ as our House Charity for 2023. Their mission is to ‘relieve the effects of poverty and offer practical help to those in need’ by gifting objects of warmth to those who in need in our community. You can find out more about their efforts on their website or social media, @giveakidablanketnz

We would love to help, so the Tangaroa Service Committee has been working hard over the last few weeks to organise fundraising activities to raise donations and awareness about this amazing cause. 

Starting next week there will be collection boxes in students' form classes where students can drop their donations of warmth, which will be contributed to ‘Give A Kid A Blanket’ for distribution to the people who need them most. These donations can include blankets, duvets, sleeping bags, new pillows, winter bedding, warm clothing, pyjamas, beanies, raincoats or jumpers. All items must be in new or excellent condition and all pre-loved items must be washed. Donations can be brought in from Week 7 to Week 9, so we encourage you look around your house or maybe take a visit to the shops to see if there is anything that you can donate which will benefit those people in need.

We thank you in advance for your support.


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