KBB Music Evening for Year 9 Parents

Mon, 20 Feb 2017

schedule 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm place Hall

Parents of Year 9 students are invited to an evening to inform you of the opportunities to learn a musical instrument and voice at Glendowie College.

Many of our 10 itinerant tutors will be present at the meeting, and students will be performing to demonstrate the level of performance that we are achieving here.

Representatives from KBB Music will also be present to explain their plan for instrument hire.

Last year, 115 students took lessons, and 97 were involved in a musical group.  It is our intention to enlarge the range of musical options in 2017, and this involves year 9 students.

The evening begins at 6.30pm in the Hall.  We look forward to seeing you there.



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